Sources of Magnesium: Most Magnesium-Rich Food to Eat shusree, February 15, 2021 Magnesium is an essential mineral for our body. Almost 300 chemical reactions in our body depend on magnesium. That’s why we will tell you the sources of magnesium to achieve your daily recommended amount. It is also present in various foods and dietary supplements. Magnesium is also an ingredient for some medicines, like laxatives and antacids. The mineral is a helper molecule in almost 350 enzymes that controls the biochemical reactions of the body. This never includes function, blood pressure levels, protein synthesis, joint cartilage health, and maintaining blood glucose and muscle function. Without it, the muscles won’t move like they normally do. Magnesium is needed to produce energy, glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation. It helps develop the structure of the bone and is needed to synthesize anti-oxidant glutathione, RNA, and DNA. The mineral also helps to transport potassium ions and calcium ions in the cell membranes. This process is important for nerve impulse conduction, regular heartbeats, and muscle contraction. An adult body has about 25 grams of magnesium, and 50 percent to 60 percent is present in bones and nearly 40 percent in the soft tissues. Less than 1 percent is current in the bloodstream. Table of Contents Toggle 9 sources of magnesium and other benefitsLima BeansDark ChocolateTunaAvocadosBrown RiceNutsPotatoes with The SkinLegumesWhole GrainsSummary of foods and their magnesium contentBenefits of magnesium for the bodyThe health of the bone2) Heart health3) Diabetes4) Premenstrual syndrome or PMS5) Headaches6) AnxietyFinal thoughts 9 sources of magnesium and other benefits Lima Beans Lima beans are fat and cholesterol-free and have the maximum amount of protein than other types of beans. One cup of cooked lima beans has 125 milligrams of magnesium, and 100 grams has 75 milligrams of magnesium. Moreover, it is also an energy booster and helps maintain bone health due to the presence of calcium and manganese. Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate being the source of magnesium is probably great news for a lot of you. 30 grams (one ounce) of dark chocolate has 65 milligrams of magnesium. It is also rich in copper, magnesium, iron and has prebiotic fiber. The anti-oxidants in dark chocolate helps to minimize the free radicals, and they are the bad molecules that damage the cells and makes the body prone to diseases. Flavanols present in it is great for heart health. It prevents low-density lipoproteins (LDL) from oxidizing, which sticks to the arteries’ cells lining. Choosing a higher percentage of dark chocolate is always better. Try to buy a product that has at least 70 percent of cocoa. Tuna Tuna is a type of fish that is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamin B12. 170 grams of tuna has 110 milligrams of magnesium and per 100 grams has 65 milligrams of magnesium. It also helps lower the blood pressure levels, boost the immunity system, detoxify the body, keeps eye health in check, and make the muscle stronger. Avocados The avocado is an extremely healthy fruit and one of the delicious sources of magnesium. A medium-sized avocado has 60 milligrams of magnesium. Avocados are also packed with vitamin B, vitamin K, potassium, and healthy fats. The fats are suitable for the heart as they are monounsaturated fat. Moreover, avocados are an outstanding fiber source. 13 out of 17 grams of carbohydrates come from fiber, making it a minimal amount of digestible carbohydrates. It also anti-inflammatory, maintain oral health, great for eye health and improve cholesterol levels. Brown Rice A cup of brown rice has 90 milligrams of magnesium, and 100 grams has 45 milligrams of magnesium. Brown rice has many benefits, and one of the major advantages is that it helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It also improves the digestive system, controls cholesterol levels, boosts heart health, prevents obesity, and helps maintain blood sugar levels. Nuts Nuts are beneficial and yummy, and you can choose any nuts for your daily magnesium sources. Some nuts have more magnesium in them, such as cashew, Brazilian nuts, and almonds. For example, 30 grams of cashew has 85 milligrams of magnesium. Most nuts are excellent sources of fiber and monounsaturated fat, which help control blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels in individuals with diabetes. Brazil nuts are high in selenium. Moreover, only two brazil nuts have more than 100 percent of the Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) for magnesium. Potatoes with The Skin Eating potatoes with the skin might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it is one of magnesium’s best sources. Also, potatoes are relatively cheap and readily available. A medium-sized potato has 10 percent of Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) for magnesium. It is also an excellent source of folate, niacin, vitamin C, and thiamine. Legumes Peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, black beans, and chickpeas are all fall under legumes. For example, one cup of cooked black beans has 125 milligrams. They are also rich in iron and potassium and a huge protein source for vegan and vegetarians. Legumes help improve blood sugar levels, lower the risk of heart diseases, and control cholesterol levels. That’s because they have a low glycaemic index (GI) and high in fiber. Whole Grains Wheat, barley, and oatmeal are all grains, and pseudocereals such as quinoa and buckwheat are also part of it. 30 grams of dry buckwheat has 66 milligrams of magnesium, which makes 16 percent of Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) for magnesium. Studies have stated that while grains are anti-inflammatory and lower the risk of heart disease. Pseudocereals have more protein and anti-oxidants than other grains such as wheat and corn. Summary of foods and their magnesium content Dry Roasted Almonds: 30 Grams Has 81 Milligrams Potatoes Baked with The Skin: 100 Grams Has 45 Milligrams Raw Carrots: One Medium in Size Has 7 Milligrams Dry Roasted Cashews: 30 Grams Has 75 Milligrams Cooked Edamame with Shelled: Half Cup Has 51 Milligrams Low Fat, Plain Yogurt: 225 Grams Has 41 Milligrams Plain or Vanilla Soymilk: One Cup Has 60 Milligrams Cooked Brown Rice: Half Cup Has 40 Milligrams Cereals Fortified (Breakfast): 10 Percent Fortification Has 42 Milligrams Unsweetened Cocoa Powder: One Tablespoon Has 28 Milligrams Canned Kidney Beans: Half Cup Has 35 Milligrams Instant Oatmeal: One Packet Has 35 Milligrams Whole Wheat Bread: Two Slices Has 47 Milligrams Apple: One Medium in Size Has 10 Milligrams Cooked Halibut: 85 Grams Has 25 Grams Milk: One Cup Has 29 Milligrams Farmed Salmon and Atlantic: 85 Grams Have 30 Milligrams Smooth Peanut Butter: Two Tablespoons Have 50 Milligrams Dark Chocolate (60-75% Cocoa): 30 Grams Has 51 Milligrams Cooked White Rice: Half Cup Has 10 Milligrams Chopped Avocado: One Cup Has 45 Milligrams Shredded Wheat Cereal: Two Large Biscuits Have 60 Milligrams Cooked Black Beans: Half Cup Has 61 Milligrams Pumpkin Seed: 30 Grams Has 170 Milligrams Boiled Spinach: Half Cup Has 80 Milligrams Banana: One Medium in Size Has 30 Milligrams Roasted Chicken Breast: 100 Grams Has 31 Milligrams Roasted Peanuts in Oil: ¼ Cup Has 64 Milligrams Pumpkin Seeds in Shell: 30 Grams Has 75 Milligrams Cooked Broccoli: Half Cup Has 11 Milligrams Ground Beef And 90% Lean: 80 Grams Has 19 Milligrams Raisins: Half Cup Has 22 Milligrams Generally, high magnesium sources are found in oat bran, nuts, green vegetables, seeds, whole grains, dry beans, wheat germ, and wheat bran. An adult female should have 300 to 320 milligrams daily, and an adult male should have 400 to 420 milligrams daily. Benefits of magnesium for the body The health of the bone Most people think calcium is the only mineral needed for bone health, but magnesium plays a huge role in bone formation. Researches have shown that magnesium intake has made high bone density, low risk of osteoporosis in women after menopause, and better bone crystal creation. Magnesium might progress bone health, directly and indirectly. It helps to control vitamin D and calcium levels, other 2 nutrients essential for the bine health. 2) Heart health The body requires magnesium to regulate muscle health, which includes our heart. Researches have seen that this mineral plays a significant role in heart health. A magnesium deficiency will increase an individual’s risk of getting heart-related problems. That’s because it plays an important role on the cellular levels. Moreover, the research said that deficiency of magnesium is common who suffer from congestive heart failure. People who have magnesium shortly after suffering from a heart attack have a lesser danger of mortality. Medics occasionally use magnesium while treating a patient for congestive heart failure (CHF); they do this to decrease the risk of abnormal heart rhythm and arrhythmia. According to the latest report consuming more magnesium might lower an individual’s risk of stroke. The reports said adding 100 milligrams of more magnesium lessens the risk of getting a stroke by 2 percent. It is also said that the mineral plays a vital role in hypertension. However, in current studies, magnesium supplements reduce blood pressure only to a minor extent. 3) Diabetes According to research, having your daily magnesium will decrease the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. It is because the mineral helps to control glucose and insulin metabolism. However, not all individuals who have diabetes have a low amount of magnesium. Lack of magnesium may deteriorate insulin resistance; this often happens before getting type 2 diabetes. Also, insulin resistance might be the reason for insufficient magnesium levels. Many doctors prescribe a high magnesium diet to people who have diabetes. Moreover, many medics suggested taking magnesium supplements that will improve and maintain the insulin levels in individuals who have less magnesium in their body. However, scientists need more proof before medics can regularly use magnesium to control glycemic in individuals who have diabetes. 4) Premenstrual syndrome or PMS Magnesium might also play a vital role in premenstrual syndrome (PMS). A study has said intaking magnesium supplements with vitamin B6 supplements will help with PMS signs. But recent studies have shown mixed reviews. So, more studies are needed. Though it helps to lessen the bloating and mood swings in PMS. 5) Headaches Magnesium therapy helps to give relief from headaches. Magnesium deficiency affects neurotransmitters and limits blood vessel contraction, which is linked with headaches or migraines. Individuals who suffer from migraines probably have lower magnesium in the blood and body tissues. The level of magnesium in an individual’s brain might decrease when they suffer from migraines. Some studies said that magnesium therapy helps to get rid of migraines. A doctor said 550 to 600 milligrams of magnesium citrate is good to treat migraines. Most of the time, doctors give a dosage of 400 to 500 mill grams to treat migraines. 6) Anxiety A magnesium deficiency might affect a person’s mood, such as being anxious and depressed. According to researches, having a high level of anxiety is directly linked with low magnesium levels. That’s because the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis has 3 glands that control an individual’s stress level. However, a lot more research needs to be done to know if magnesium supplements help reduce anxiety. If you have certain health conditions, you cannot have magnesium supplements: Bowel obstruction Heart block Myasthenia gravis Kidney failure If the body has an excess amount of magnesium, then the kidney eliminates it through urination. The kidney can balance the magnesium levels for a period of time if you don’t have a lot for the time being. Some health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, chronic diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, alcoholism, and celiac disease gives a long-term scarcity of magnesium. Common symptoms are vomiting, tiredness, nausea, and loss of appetite. However, if your magnesium shortage worsens, some other indications are seizures, coronary spasms, personality changes, numbness, muscle contractions, tingling, and abnormal heart rate. Final thoughts Magnesium is a significant mineral that most people lack and do not get enough of. That’s why we helped you with magnesium sources, the benefits of magnesium, who should not use magnesium supplements. Magnesium is an essential macro-nutrient that helps in body processes such as mood, muscle, bone health, and nerve. Always have a balanced diet and add the foods from the above list. However, never take magnesium supplements without the guidance of a professional. Food function of magnesiummagnesium in bananawhat food is highest in magnesium