The Best Reasons To Throw A BBQ At Home mindmingles, June 29, 2022 There is nothing more Australian than firing up the BBQ at home , inviting friends and family around to have a get together with prawns, steaks, rissoles, and snags all thrown on the grill for all to enjoy. There never has to be a definitive reason for a good old-fashioned BBQ. Maybe the weather is nice and maybe it isn’t, but you can always have an undercover setup to barbeque in any weather. Listed below are a few great reasons to throw a BBQ event at your house in true Aussie style. AFL Grand Final Australian Rules Football is a good enough reason around the country to do just about anything. Set in September, the AFL Grand Final is one of the biggest sporting events in not only Australia, but around the world. It doesn’t matter which team you barrack for or if your team isn’t in the grand final, it is almost customary to watch the game, and throwing a BBQ whilst doing so is one of the most Australian things you can do. What’s even better is that if you live in the suburbs, there are likely to be other people at home watching the game so you could potentially all get together and have a neighborhood shindig at your house. Just ask everyone to BYOB and bring some extra snags. Get together with family and friends Sometimes we are caught up in daily life and forget that we have family and friends that we may have not seen in a long time. A nice Sunday BBQ is a great way to reconnect with your loved ones or shoot the breeze with your mates. It is really important to keep in touch with the people in your life because after all, that’s what life is about. Having a fun BBQ is a great way to bring everyone together and have an enjoyable catch-up. State of Origin series Especially for the northern Australians, but also elsewhere, the State of Origin series is the quintessential code of rugby. The series is recognized globally as being the best version of rugby that there is. In Australia, it is known as the “Australian sports greatest rivalry” because only two teams participate in the series: the Queensland Maroons and the New South Wales Blues. What better way than to have some mates around and bet on the 2022 State of Origin all the while watching it in the comfort of your own home. Although the series is played in winter, those who mainly enjoy the game will be in a relatively temperate location. Fire up the barbie and enjoy. The weather Depending on where you live in Australia, or any part of the world, favorable weather is the simplest reason to have a BBQ gathering at home. There does not need to be any specific reason to turn some steaks and snags and crack open some beers, but nice weather is certainly one you can use. Not only that, some areas of the world only have a very small window of agreeable outdoor weather, so it is always great to take advantage of the time you have. No matter why you choose to host an Aussie BBQ at home, it is undeniable that this is the perfect casual way to catch up with friends, family, and loved ones. Recipe BBQ At Home grillkorean BBQ At Home