Health benefits of Aleppo pepper includes its rich source of vitamin A, fibers, antioxidants with…
Category: Herbs and Spices

Health benefits of Mustard
Mustard [French: Moutarde Noire, Spanish: Mostaza Negra] is a member of the Brassica family of…

Health benefits of Parsley
Parsley [Scientific name: Petrocelinum Crispum] also known as Persele, it is one of the most widely used herb. The name Parsley is derived from greek word which means ‘rock celery’. This herb with is vibrant taste has amazing medicinal and healing properties. Most popular use of this herb has been for garnishing.
Ancient Greek medicines find use of Parsley. Medicinal use of Parsley is also found in traditional Indian Ayurveda, where it is used in different forms like dried root or essential oil.

Health benefits of Saffron
Health benefits of saffron includes it properties to treat cancer, improve blood circulation, act as…

Health benefits and medicinal properties of Lemongrass

Health benefits of Lemongrass include its ability to cure fever, headache, digestive tract disorders, cough, cold, convulsions, high blood pressure. Some health benefits of lemongrass can be attributed to its anti bacterial, anti fungal, detoxifying, anti oxidant, stimulant, antidiarrheal, anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from these health benefits, it has wide culinary use and use in cosmetics and other aromatherapy products.

Health benefits of Kokum
Health benefits of Kokum can be attributed to its medicinal properties to aid digestion, provide…

Health benefits of Pepper
The spice Pepper is cultivated mainly in Asian countries like India, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam….

Health benefits of Poppy seeds
Health benefits of poppy seeds include its effect on neural systems and brain, treatment of cancer, treatment…

Health benefits of Ginger
Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) [French: Gingembre, German: Ingwer Spanish: Jengibre], popularly and inaccurately sold as ginger root, is a rhizome or stem. Ginger is known traditionally for its medicinal and nutritional value including aiding digestion, common cold or cough. This herb is originated and is widely used throughout South Asia and East Asia. It contributes greatly towards health benefits and is regarded as a food medicine for various ailments.
Ginger is a large tuberous horizontal perennial plant having knots. The leaves and rhizome have characteristic fragrant odour when cut or bruised. Rhizomes are dug out after the leafy parts are dried. It is sold as fresh ginger in the market or are peeled, sliced and dried. Dried ginger powder is also widely used.

Health benefits of Mint
Mint (Scientific Name: Mentha Arrensis/ Piperita) is popular spice and widely used in cooking. It is erect, perennial plant with oval shaped, delicate, dark green and fragrant leaves. The leaves have strong, pungent odour while acrid taste. The leaves can be well mixed with other mild tasting leaves and herbs.
Because of numerous health benefits of mint, it is often referred to as a wonder herb. Mint is native of temperate Europe. The Romans and Greeks knew about this plant and its medicinal properties from ancient times. It was believed that Mentha, the damsel lover of God Pluto was transformed into mint due to the anger of Prosarpain, the wife of Pluto and Goddess of wealth. Hence it got its name Mentha. Ancient Greek physician, Saufarsats used it in the preparation of various carminative medicines. Even ancient Mohammadan, Chinese and Japanese physicians were familiar with this spice.
Mint is cultivated in most parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. Although there are different species of mint found all over the most common among them are Peppermint, Spearmint, Wildmint, Pennroyal and Berg mint. Mint was used as a remedy for ailments related to digestive tract, oral, respiratory and skin disorders. Mint was often used as an air freshener. During the middle ages powdered mint leaves were used to whiten teeth. Mint finds use in the Ayurveda as ‘Ark Pudina’, which is generally prescribed after delivery as it is a possessor of the property of uterus retraction.