Fruits Health benefits of Mango valuefood, May 23, 2010 Mango has scientific name Magnifera Indica. Originally from Indian Subcontinent, mangos have been around for over 4,000 years. Mango is now cultivated in most of tropical and sub tropical region, however India produces more than half of world’s mangoes. It is said that Lord Buddha found Nirvana in a mango grove. Mango is consumed in several forms both raw and ripe, processed and non processed. Its leaves are also used in various rituals and ceremonies in India. Nutritional Value of Mango: Mangoes are rich source of phytochemicals like betacarotene, quercetin, astragalin and other nutrients. Calorific value and Nutrient content of Mango: About 100gm of mango gives around 65 calories with 17 gm of Carbohydrate, 0.3g of fat and 0.5g Protein. Continue Reading