Nutracueticals Weight loss and other benefits of Green Tea extract supplements valuefood, April 28, 2010 Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols which have several health benefits. Polyphenols in green… Continue Reading
Beverages Health Benefits of Green Tea valuefood, April 28, 2010December 23, 2024 What is Green Tea: Tea is produced from processing of leaves of Camellia sinensis plant. Three key varieties of tea in market are black, green and oolong based on different processing methods employed. How is green different from normal tea? Green tea is like regular black tea. Green tea leaves are steamed, or baked soon after plucking, while black tea is not. Green tea is not fermented hence finished tea is green and similar to natural leaves. Since green tea is unfermented it undergoes minimal oxidation and so it has higher concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols than black tea. Tea contains polyphenols such as catechins including epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), along with alkaloid and caffeine. EGCG accounts for more than 40% of the total content. Antioxidant activity of EGCG is about 25-100 times more than vitamins C and E. One cup of green tea may provide 10-40 mg of polyphenols and has antioxidant effects that are greater than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots, or strawberries. There is myth that green tea does not contain caffeine. However, all types of tea including green tea contain caffeine. However amount of caffeine depends on the plant from which leaves are taken and oxidation process during processing. Caffeine in green tea is minimal if compared with other teas. A cup of green tea has around one third less caffeine than same cup of coffee. Studies are been taken on methods of harvesting tea and limiting oxidation to reduce caffeine in green tea to the extent possible. Continue Reading
Essential Oil Health benefits of Coconut oil priya, April 25, 2010December 23, 2024 Common coconut (scientific name: Cocos nucifera) is one of the most valuable plants to man. In Sanskrit, coconut tree is called “kalpa vriksha” or the tree which provides all the necessities of life. Coconut oil is obtained from the fruit/nut of Coconut plam. What does coconut oil contain? Every 100 gram of Coconut oil provides Iron (0.04 mg), Vitamin E (0.09 mg), Tocopherol gamma (0.20 mg), Vitamin K ( 0.5 mcg), Saturated Fatty acids (86.5 g), mono unsaturated Fatty acids (5.8 g), polyunsaturated fatty acids (1.8 g) and energy equivalent to 862 kcal. Continue Reading